Lauren Eckstrom – Fast Burn Yoga Class 1080p WebRip [MP4]

Lauren Eckstrom – Fast Burn Yoga Class 1080p WebRip [MP4]
English | Size: 334.22 MB
Category: Tutorial

Fast Burn is the perfect class for when you’re short on time but desire a strong, dynamic practice. In these 20 minutes you’ll strengthen and cleanse with a fast paced practice that targets your core to help improve confidence, remove toxins, and invigorate your body and mind. You’ll move through strength inducing poses as forearm plank, heat building pranayama such as Skull Shining Breath, and much more! A block is suggested for this practice, and this practice is not recommended for pregnant students.

Vytas Baskauskas – Titibasana Yoga Class

Vytas Baskauskas – Titibasana Yoga Class
English | Size: 258.81 MB
Category: Tutorial

If you can hold Bakasana (crow pose) for a few breaths without straining and are ready for something more, then this short class will help give you some of the component parts and instruction for a more advanced arm balance.

Arezu Kaywanfar – Heart Opening Meditation Yoga Class

Arezu Kaywanfar – Heart Opening Meditation Yoga Class
English | Size: 277.08 MB
Category: Tutorial

Style: Kundalini
If you feel like your heart center is closed and there is no flow of love and you want to open your heart, do this mediation. When your heart center is open you are present in your life and can have the experience of things “flowing.” P) The heart chakra is also known as “Anahata” which in Sanskrit means “unstruck”,referring to the ability to have unconditional love. As love is our true essence. When your heart center is fully activated there is no clinginess or possessiveness. There is trust. There is no limit to the amount of love you are willing to give and to recieve from others. P)

Rudy Mettia – Bird of Paradise Yoga Class

Rudy Mettia – Bird of Paradise Yoga Class
English | Size: 727.13 MB
Category: Tutorial

This class is all about the Bird of Paradise pose. It is the peak pose in this sequence for a many reasons. Firstly, it incorporates all of the benefits of preceding postures into one single movement. Secondly, it is intensely challenging. Listen carefully to Rudy’s instructions while maintaining focus on your intentions and you may just get there. If not, take the class again until you do.

Micheline Berry – Quest for Fire ; Core Awakening Yoga Class

Micheline Berry – Quest for Fire ; Core Awakening Yoga Class
English | Size: 329.22 MB
Category: Tutorial

This 20-sequence will fire you up. Here we work with the Manipura Chakra, the fire center of the body, and get your creative energy alive and moving.