Zero to Mastery – Three.js Bootcamp

Zero to Mastery – Three.js Bootcamp
English | Tutorial | Size: 4.53 GB

Learn Three.js by building your own projects. Taught by an industry professional, this course covers everything from beginner to advanced topics. If you’re a JavaScript developer who is serious about taking your coding skills and career to the next level by creating incredible interactive 3D experiences directly within a web browser, then this is the course for you.

• Use the Three.js library to create and display 3D graphics on web browsers, making it easier
and more accessible to create innovative and interactive 3D experiences
• Understand the principles behind Three.js including its architecture, core components, and
how it interacts with WebGL
• Unlock the ability to build really innovative and interactive 3D experiences using WebGL
directly within a web browser
• Learn how to utilize Blender to create custom models and export them for use in 3D
• Launch or accelerate your career as a Web Developer, Game Developer, VR Developer or 3D
• Create an online personal portfolio in the form of a 3D browser-based video game that
showcases 3D models and interactive visualizations
• Explore how to build interactive 3D applications using Three.js, including VR and game
• Learn 3D graphics programming, including geometric transformations, lighting, materials,
and texture

This Three.js course covers all the Three.js best practices and trends for 2023 and is focused on efficiency.

Here’s an overview of what you’ll be learning in this course. This course is divided into three big sections that are then broken down into sub-sections.

1. GETTING STARTED WITH THREE.JS: Before diving into the world of Three.js, it’s crucial to
have the essential resources and prerequisite knowledge. This section serves as a
foundation, introducing you to what Three.js is, the prerequisite knowledge you’ll need, and
where to find the official Three.js documentation.

Here are some of the details of what you’ll learn:
• What is Three.js: learn the core concepts and capabilities of Three.js.
• Inspiration: get introduced to a collection of Three.js examples to get you started.
• Three.js Documentation: gain and understanding of the official Three.js documentation.

2. THREE.JS FUNDAMENTALS: You’ll dive into the core concepts of Three.js, such as creating
scenes, manipulating meshes, and working with cameras. By the end of this section, you’ll
have created an immersive, 3D solar system scene using the new skills you’ve acquired.

Here are some of the details of what you’ll learn:
• Hello World (Your First Scene): learn how to set up your first Three.js scene.
• Camera: understand the different types of cameras and their properties.
• Manipulating Meshes: learn how to transform and animate 3D objects.
• Mesh – Geometries and Materials: explore the different types of geometries & materials.
• Textures: understand how to apply and manipulate textures.
• Lighting and Shadows: learn how to create realistic lighting and shadows.

3. ADVANCED THREE.JS & CREATING YOUR PORTFOLIO: You’ll use your Three.js skills to
create a personalized portfolio designed like a third-person game. This portfolio will serve
as a testament to your technical ability and creativity.

Here are some of the details of what you’ll learn:
• Portfolio Code Structure: learn the architecture of a Three.js project.
• Pre-Loader: understand how to create a pre-loading screen for your assets.
• Physics: implement real-world physics into your 3D scenes.
• Basic Inputs: learn how to control objects using keyboard inputs.
• Character Physics: implement a character controller for more complex movements.
• Camera Controller: learn how to create first and third-person camera controllers.
• Avatar Body: add a 3D avatar to your scene.
• Animation Controller: implement animations for your 3D avatar.
• Creating an Environment with Blender and Three.js: learn how to create complex 3D
• Handling Interactivity: implement interactive elements like portals.

This Three.js course is not about making you just code along without understanding the Three.js principles so that when you’re done with the course you don’t even know what to do other than watch another tutorial. No!

This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner to someone that is in the top 10% of Three.js Developers 💪.

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