Windows Kernel Programming, Second Edition

Windows Kernel Programming, Second Edition
English | Size: 6.05 MB
Genre: eLearning

Who Should Read This Book
What You Should Know to Use This Book
Book Contents
Sample Code
Chapter 1: Windows Internals Overview
Virtual Memory
Page States
System Memory
Thread Stacks
System Services (a.k.a. System Calls)
General System Architecture
Handles and Objects
Object Names
Accessing Existing Objects
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Kernel Development
Installing the Tools
Creating a Driver Project
The DriverEntry and Unload Routines
Deploying the Driver
Simple Tracing
Chapter 3: Kernel Programming Basics
General Kernel Programming Guidelines
Unhandled Exceptions
Function Return Values
C++ Usage
Testing and Debugging
Debug vs. Release Builds
The Kernel API
Functions and Error Codes
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Linked Lists
The Driver Object
Object Attributes
Device Objects
Opening Devices Directly
Chapter 4: Driver from Start to Finish
Driver Initialization
Passing Information to the Driver
Client / Driver Communication Protocol
Creating the Device Object
Client Code
The Create and Close Dispatch Routines
The Write Dispatch Routine
Installing and Testing
Chapter 5: Debugging and Tracing
Debugging Tools for Windows
Introduction to WinDbg
Tutorial: User mode debugging basics
Kernel Debugging
Local Kernel Debugging
Local kernel Debugging Tutorial
Full Kernel Debugging
Using a Virtual Serial Port
Using the Network
Kernel Driver Debugging Tutorial
Asserts and Tracing
Extended DbgPrint
Other Debugging Functions
Trace Logging
Viewing ETW Traces
Chapter 6: Kernel Mechanisms
Interrupt Request Level (IRQL)
Raising and Lowering IRQL
Thread Priorities vs. IRQLs
Deferred Procedure Calls
Using DPC with a Timer
Asynchronous Procedure Calls
Critical Regions and Guarded Regions
Structured Exception Handling
Using __try/__except
Using __try/__finally
Using C++ RAII Instead of __try / __finally
System Crash
Crash Dump Information
Analyzing a Dump File
System Hang
Thread Synchronization
Interlocked Operations
Dispatcher Objects
Fast Mutex
Named Events
Executive Resource
High IRQL Synchronization
The Spin Lock
Queued Spin Locks
Work Items
Chapter 7: The I/O Request Packet
Introduction to IRPs
Device Nodes
IRP Flow
IRP and I/O Stack Location
Viewing IRP Information
Dispatch Routines
Completing a Request
Accessing User Buffers
Buffered I/O
Direct I/O
Putting it All Together: The Zero Driver
Using a Precompiled Header
The DriverEntry Routine
The Create and Close Dispatch Routines
The Read Dispatch Routine
The Write Dispatch Routine
Test Application
Read/Write Statistics
Chapter 8: Advanced Programming Techniques (Part 1)
Driver Created Threads
Memory Management
Pool Allocations
Secure Pools
Overloading the new and delete Operators
Lookaside Lists
The “Classic” Lookaside API
The Newer Lookaside API
Calling Other Drivers
Putting it All Together: The Melody Driver
Client Code
Invoking System Services
Example: Enumerating Processes
Chapter 9: Process and Thread Notifications
Process Notifications
Implementing Process Notifications
The DriverEntry Routine
Handling Process Exit Notifications
Handling Process Create Notifications
Providing Data to User Mode
The User Mode Client
Thread Notifications
Image Load Notifications
Final Client Code
Remote Thread Detection
The Detector Client
Chapter 10: Object and Registry Notifications
Object Notifications
Pre-Operation Callback
Post-Operation Callback
The Process Protector Driver
Object Notification Registration
Managing Protected Processes
The Pre-Callback
The Client Application
Registry Notifications
Registry Overview
Using Registry Notifications
Handling Pre-Notifications
Handling Post-Operations
Extending the SysMon Driver
Handling Registry Callback
Modified Client Code
Performance Considerations
Miscellaenous Notes

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