Vertexworkshop – Create Armor For Games
English | Tutorial | Size: 1.4GB
The mistake many artists make is thinking that Character Arts is all about anatomy and figure sculpting. but how many nude game characters do you see?
Paul Widelski’s day job often involves months of time where he is focused on one thing: Creating Armor. That’s it. That One thing. He works in a team, after all. One guy does the face. Another the hair. Paul. he’s the armor guy.
Learn how to create a convincing set of armor from high poly to low poly, texturing and presentation, from one the Industry’s leading artists, Paul Widelski. Currently a Senior Character Artist at Splash Damage, Paul has been working in the Industry for 4 years.
This course on Creating Armored Game Characters will focus entirely on the skills and workflows for creating a set of armor.
By the end of the workshop you’ll:
Understand how to get a good and quick starting point in ZBrush.
Understand how make convincing armor parts and fit together fasteners, buckles, etc.
Have mastered how to add details such as engraving and embossing.
Know how to use Substance Painter workflows to create smart materials for the full set of armor.