Udemy – Symfony 5 – The complete Guide for Beginners
English | Size: 3.21 GB
Category: PHP
You will learn the PHP framework Symfony and develop a complete, secure and modern web application!
Welcome to the Symfony course for beginners! In this course you will learn how to use the powerful PHP framework Symfony 5. If you want to learn everything from the basics, to advanced topics, to stand-alone implementation of complex web applications in Symfony, this course is for you.
Not only can you build websites with Symfony, the framework is also great for developing microservices, APIs, mobile backends or highly complex web application with and without frontend.
In 7 hours you will learn step by step how to set up and implement your own projects. The course starts completely from 0, you should only have basic knowledge in PHP and HTML.
In the first part we will do all the necessary preparations to set up your development environment. (PHP 7+, MySQL, XAMPP, Visual Studio Code..) Furthermore I will show you helpful tools and software for the development. After that you will learn the project structure and how to use the console.
In the next part you will get to know all core components of Symfony. Controllers, routing, views, Twig, Doctrine and much more will be explained with a practical example and used live. After that you are ready for the web project.
The main part is the largest part of the course with more than 4 hours of content. Here you will implement a complete web application from the first to the last line of code. Besides the core components, you will learn more about forms, file upload, relationships, security, sending emails, Bootstrap frontend, databases and much more. As a bonus, at the end there is another chapter on advanced Symfony topics that cover the most important additions. With this knowledge, you can extend your Symfony projects as much as you want.
By the end of this course you will be able to create both simple websites and complex dynamic web applications using the great PHP framework Symfony.
Let’s get started right away! 🙂
Who this course is for:
PHP developers with basic knowledge who want to develop complex web applications with Symfony
Developers with no or some knowledge about another PHP framework
Developers who want to learn Symfony quickly and easily direct to the point
All those interested in the creation of modern web applications and websites
What you’ll learn
You will develop a fully functional, real-world website in Symfony
You learn how to install and set up Symfony and your development environment
You get to know all core components and the project structure of the framework
You learn how to use the Symfony Console, Composer as well as Symfony Flex
You get to know routes
You get to know controllers
You learn views in Symfony with the Twig template engine
You learn everything about Doctrine ORM (how to connect to a database)
You will learn more about the configuration of Symfony using practical examples
You will learn entities (models) in Symfony and the relations between entities
You learn to present and manage your projects with the Symfony Server
You get to know the Symfony Toolbar Profiler
You learn about service containers and services in Symfony
You will be able to create your own web application or microservice in the Symfony framework
You learn about the security concepts in Symfony (login, registration)
You get to know the user administration
You will learn debugging of Symfony applications
You learn how to send emails
You learn to simplify the most important database actions with CRUD
You learn to set up your own administration backend with Easyadmin
You learn to create your own SQL database queries with the Query Builder