Udemy – Role of Procurement in EPC Construction Projects
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Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) Industry – Procurement and contracts roles and responsibilities
In this course, we’ll walk you through the entire the Role and responsibilities of Procurement Professional in EPC / Construction Industry in a step by step format in a simple and easier way from the Procurement process Pre-ordering to Post Ordering not limiting to
Introduction to EPC contracts
Global / international sourcing
Vendor development and pre- qualifications
Criteria of prequalification
Field expertise
Experience list
Financial background
Organizational structure
Joint venture
Quality certifications
Previous completion certifications
Health safety environment culture
Request for quotes
Technical bid evaluation
Single source vendor or monopoly selection
Commercial negotiations
Comparison Statement
Leverage effect of Procurement
PO Acknowledgement
Notification for Unsuccessful Vendors
Processing advance payments
Kick off meetings
Vendor detail engineering
Review cycles
Progress monitoring
Contract Drafting
Purchase order and amendments
Authority of person signing documents:
Responsibility for performance of purchase order
Sub – letting of purchase order
Responsibility for completeness
Purchase order and reference document
Price & payment terms
Terms of payment
Security bank guarantee
Invoicing process
Final payment
Bank charges
Insurance and taxes
Taxes and duties
Property and risk
Acceptance of purchase order
Guarantees / warranties
Equipment guarantees and warranties
Royalties and patents
Vendor represents and warrants
Liquidated damages
Liquidated damages (LD) for late delivery
Liquidated damages towards non- achievement of performance parameters
Limitation of liability
Payment by the vendor and liens
Assertion of rights
Assignment and bankruptcy
Compliance with specifications
Property of drawings and information
Quality assurance
Quality control
Expediting and inspection
Changes in goods to be supplied
Shipping instruction and shipping documentation
Invoicing instructions
Deliverables to be provided after release of purchase order
Consequential damages
Vendor manuals
Supervision of installation till performance guarantee tests
Packaging & marking
Rights not waived by payment or certificate
Termination of purchase order
Insolvency and breach of purchase order conditions
Force majeure
Governing laws
Remedies of contractor
Shipping terms
Entire agreement
Health safety environmental requirements
Interdepartmental Coordination’s
Coordination with Finance Department
– Budget forecast on invoice payments
– Milestone payments delay
Logistics Coordination
– Oversized consignments
– Warehouse
Construction coordination
Commissioning coordination
Vendor Performance Evaluation
Procurement QMS Audits
We’ll also cover all of the big new changes coming down the pike in terms of Incoterms 2020 and other significant contract clauses in general terms and conditions documents.
E- terms
EXW Ex-works
F- terms
FCA Free Career
FAS Free Alongside Ship
FOB Free on Board
C- terms
CPT Carriage Paid To
CFR Cost and Freight
CIF Cost Insurance Freight
CPT Carriage Paid To
D- Terms
DPU Delivered at Place Unloaded
DAP Delivered at Place
DDP Delivered duty paid
LOA – Letter of Award
The course will change and improve perception of Procurement Professional on the Industry. Recommending Freshers and Budding EPC Procurement and Project Management Professionals to study the entire course. The procurement process is one of the most important parts of any construction project. Without the right materials and equipment, the building will not be able to stand up. To ensure that your project has everything it needs to be successful, it’s critical to have a procurement professional who understands the industry and how it works.