Udemy – React Progressive Web App With Workbox And Webpack Tutorial
English | Tutorial | Size: 972.57 MB
Learn how to create a React PWA app from scratch with Workbox
This course targets all: beginners, intermediate and advanced.
It teaches you on how to create a React PWA app from scratch with Workbox. You will learn the following in this course:
Intro to React PWA With Webpack And Workbox
Create a React Project from Scratch With Webpack 5 From Scratch
Setup a React app with Webpack and Babel
Setup Webpack Dev Server | React Development and Production Server
Using SVG Icons In React | Google fonts and styles | Create layout component
Reach Router | Navigation in React
React Background Image | Set a background Image With React Inline Styles
Adding Custom Environment Variables in React with Dot Env
Fetch data in React using axios
What Are Service Workers | Workbox Webpack Plugin | InjectManifest
Setup Workbox Webpack Plugin Configuration and manifest.json
Service Worker Registration | Workbox Window | Cache update on application re-deploy
Workbox Precaching In React | Workbox Core | preCacheAndRoute | skipwaiting
Caching Google Fonts Using Workbox | StaleWhileRevalidate | CacheFirst Caching Strategies
Service Worker: How to cache images
You will also learn about how a Runtime caching is done in React PWA app using Workbox
In this collection, you’ll learn what makes a Progressive Web App special, how they can affect your business, and how to build them.
A service worker is a script that your browser runs in the background, separate from a web page, opening the door to features that don’t need a web page or user interaction. Today, they already include features like push notifications and background sync.