Udemy – React Crash Course for Absolute Beginners 2022
English | Size: 1.34 GB
Category: Tutorial
Learn React basics quick and easy with a very concise course, where we learn to create a food webshop application.
In this React Crash Course for Absolute Beginners we will learn the basics of React JS. This course is based on the most up-to-date version of React (17.0.2), which serves as a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. So learn React JS in this full course designed for beginners as a crash course. It will help you in prepare and provide solid understanding of all React concepts by application of learning concepts. During the course, we work only with the functional components, we are using clean code and ES6 syntax. We will also learn about modern redux and how can you install and use NPM packages (react toastify, react router, redux toolkit).
This course is divided into four main sections:
-What is React and why use it?
-React basics and how it works
-The most important Hooks presented with a counter application
-Creating a food webshop project which is a multipage application
So, why choose this course?
Because this is a very concise, simple and straightforward course, which lasts only 2 hours, and after which it is guaranteed that you will be able to work in React and create similar applications. By the end of this course you will be able to find any freelancer jobs, or apply for a junior web developer job.
Course content
Getting Started
-What is React.js?
-Why use React.js?
React Basics
-Analyzing a standard React Project
-Introducing JSX & Import
-Writing more complex JSX codes
-Create your first React Component
-How to style your React Component
-Splitting project into multiple Components
-Display Dynamic Data
-What are React Props
-What are React Children
-What is React Fragment
React Hooks
Project: Food Webshop Application
-Project Intro
-What is Redux
-How Redux works
-Connecting Redux to our Project
-Displaying dynamic product list
-Displaying dynamic category list
-Filtering products
-Styling active category item
-Adding products to the cart functionality
-Removing products from the cart functionality
-Adding products to the cart
-Adding React Router for a multi-page application
-Listing the products from the cart on the Checkout page
-Adding coupon code
-Adding react toastify
-Calculating final prices
-Working with trend products
-Storing cart in the Local Storage