Udemy – PROJECT Python RAT – Trojan Access Remote
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Creating a Command and Control Server with Backdoor
Hello, I’m here to introduce you to my newest project: Creating a Backdoor Command and Control Server using python.
do you know what a Trojan Access Remote is? Not ? So here, in this course, we are going to learn what it is and create our own.
This course is for all those who want to learn what a RAT Trojan access Remote is and how dangerous this tool is in the hands of those who know how to use it, an extremely important tool for red teams and also used by cyberterrorists.
This course has 3 modules, where we will learn about what a RAT is, then we will create our own server and then our client.
And what can we do with this RAT? It’s very simple, we are going to use the server to download files, upload files and also access the terminal of our viima.
This server that we are going to create is managed, being able to receive several connections and a list of victims, and we will be able to choose which victim we want to manage by using the ID.
What we need ? A computer with an operating system, whether linux or windows, in the class I will be using linux and we will also use python2 and python3.
All codes used in this class are commented and made available to all our students.
Here’s an example of using our RAT
#my server waiting for connection
when a victim connects, I will be able to view it on my server using the targets command
#after I use the command “targets” the server will show me all my connections.
#Now I can choose which victim I can manage, I will choose #victim 0, in this case I will type “target_0”
#Ok, now I can manage victim 0, now I can upload and download file for victim and access the terminal.
Liked ? Can you imagine what you can do with this knowledge? remembering that this project has an academic purpose, like all cybernetic weapons on the internet.
Who this course is for:
Everyone who wants to learn about network connections