Udemy – Change Management Skills for Managers

Udemy – Change Management Skills for Managers
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Master the art of managing change like a pro! Learn the complete process, models and case studies

Change Management is the discipline of managing change within an organization to ensure successful adoption of new processes, technologies, or organizational structures. This course covers the principles, strategies, and techniques used to navigate and lead change in a dynamic business environment.

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment, the ability to effectively manage change is essential for organizational success. As a manager, you play a pivotal role in leading your team through transitions, whether they involve process improvements, organizational restructuring, or technology implementations.

In this course, you will develop the skills and strategies necessary to navigate change successfully and ensure smooth transitions for your team. Here’s an overview of what you can expect to learn:

1. Understanding Change: Gain a deep understanding of the nature of change and its impact on individuals, teams, and organizations. Explore different types of change, such as incremental changes and transformative initiatives, and the reasons behind resistance to change.

2. Change Management Frameworks: Familiarize yourself with popular change management frameworks and methodologies, such as Kotter’s 8-Step Process, ADKAR model, and Lewin’s Change Management Model. Learn how to apply these frameworks to plan, execute, and sustain change initiatives effectively.

3. Communication and Engagement: Develop effective communication strategies to keep your team informed and engaged throughout the change process. Learn how to craft compelling messages, address concerns, and solicit feedback from stakeholders to foster buy-in and commitment.

4. Stakeholder Management: Identify key stakeholders who will be affected by the change and develop tailored strategies to manage their expectations and concerns. Learn how to build alliances, address resistance, and leverage influential stakeholders to champion the change.

5. Leadership and Resilience: Enhance your leadership skills to inspire and motivate your team during times of change. Learn how to lead by example, demonstrate resilience, and provide support to team members as they navigate uncertainty and ambiguity.

6. Managing Resistance: Understand the reasons behind resistance to change and learn how to effectively manage resistance within your team. Explore strategies for addressing common sources of resistance, building trust, and creating a supportive environment for change.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement mechanisms to monitor the progress of change initiatives and evaluate their effectiveness. Learn how to identify early warning signs, adjust strategies as needed, and celebrate successes along the way.

8. Change Leadership in Practice: Apply your newfound knowledge and skills to real-world change scenarios through case studies, simulations, and role-playing exercises. Practice leading change initiatives and receive feedback from experienced facilitators to enhance your capabilities.

Key Highlights:

Practical strategies for managing organizational change

Effective communication techniques for change initiatives

Tools for overcoming resistance to change

Case studies on successful change management implementations


Module 1: Introduction to Change Management

1.1: Key Roles in Change Management

Module 2: Theoretical Foundations of Change Management

2.1: Lewin’s Change Management Model

2.2: ADKAR Model

2.3: Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

2.4: McKinsey 7-S Framework

2.5: Prosci’s Change Management Process

2.6: Kübler-Ross Change Curve

2.7: Bridges’ Transition Model

2.8: The Kotter and Schlesinger Model of Change

2.9: Cognitive Dissonance Theory

2.10: Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change)

2.11: Social Cognitive Theory

2.12: Theory of Planned Behavior

2.13: Self-Determination Theory

2.14: Dual-Process Models of Change

2.15: Attribution Theory

2.16: The Health Belief Model

Module 3: Change Readiness Assessment

Module 4: Developing a Change Management Strategy

Module 5: Building Change Leadership Capabilities

5.1: Foster Change Leadership Mindset

5.2: Provide Ongoing Support and Resources

5.3: Evaluate and Adjust

Module 6: Communication and Change Messaging

Module 7: Change Implementation Planning

Module 8: Change Management Tools and Techniques

8.1: Change management software and technology

Module 9: Managing People Through Change

Module 10: Sustaining Change and Continuous Improvement

Module 11: Leading Change in Complex Environments

11.1: Global Stakeholder Engagement

11.2: Cross-Cultural Leadership

11.3: Change Implementation and Execution

11.4: Performance Measurement and Feedback

11.5: Managing change in virtual teams

11.6: Fostering Open Communication

11.7: Building Trust and Engagement

11.8: Adapting Leadership Style

11.9: Managing Resistance and Overcoming Challenges

11.10: Agile Change Management Principles

11.11: Agile Change Management Strategies

11.12: Agile Change Management Techniques

11.13: Agile Change Leadership

11.14: Agile Change Governance

Module 12: Case Studies and Best Practices in Change Management

12.1: Learning from change management

12.2: Change Leadership

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