Udemy – CCNP Enterprise (ENARSI 300-410) Training – Yavuz BULUT (2024.01)
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Cisco certificates are among the most valid certificates in the world, and by taking this training, you can easily pass the Cisco CCNP Enterprise 300-410 ENARSI exam. Once you pass the exam and receive your Cisco CCNP Enterprise certificate, you will always be one step ahead in your job applications.
The content of the training has been prepared entirely with new topics, with reference to the Cisco CCNP Enterprise 300-410 ENARSI Official book prepared by Cisco. You can also download Turkish source files, approximately 150 pages, from the downloadable source files.
To participate in the training, you must have taken the Cisco CCNA Network training and Cisco CCNP Enterprise Core 350-401 ENCOR training. If you took the CCNA training in the pre-2020 version, I recommend that you start this training after taking the new Cisco CCNA 200-301 Network Training again.
We will do the laboratory applications in the training with the Eve-NG Network simulation program. I will explain in detail how to download the program and how to use it.
I tried to convey this training to you in the best way possible with my 26 years of experience in the sector. I had great fun while preparing the training, and I have no doubt that you will enjoy watching it too.
In order to provide you with the best sound quality, I used a quality microphone while shooting.
If you watch videos in Auto mode, you can watch them in 1080P if your screen resolution and internet speed are sufficient.
The content of the training has been prepared entirely with new topics, with reference to the Cisco CCNP Enterprise 300-410 ENARSI Official book prepared by Cisco. You can also download English resource files, approximately 200 pages, from the downloadable resource files.