Udemy – All about Arduino Wireless and the IOT
English | Tutorial | Size: 2.36 GB
A complete course on using your Arduino to communicate data wirelessly
This course is a strong foundation for understanding IoT utilizing wireless Arduino communications. We will be using both the Arduino and the ESP8266 for wiFi and radio functions. This course will give students an good understanding of IoT and wireless communications utilizing Arduino and the ESP8266 with inexpensive wireless transmitters, receivers and transceivers. We will go over most of the popular and least expensive methods, tools, and associated hardware to pass data wirelessly between devices and over the web and through the cloud. Students will learn how to configure, develop, and program these popular and cheap wireless devices to trigger an event or pass data between devices. Students will be able to thoroughly grasp the concepts of transmitting data around the web:
*ESP8266 to the web
*Between Arduinos
* Arduino data to a PC
* Arduino data to the “Cloud”
* Arduino to Putty and Teraterm
* Arduino to SD Card for Datalogging
* Arduino to ThingSpeak, Google, IFTTT, Losant, Ubidots and others for for graphics and conditional
control Flow applications.
Hardware and Tools utilized in this course:
315 MHz transmitters
nRF2401+ (Nordic radio Transceivers)
ESP8266 (Model 12-E)
DHT11 Environmental Monitor
DuPont Jumpers
Ethernet Shield based on the popular WIZnet 5100 chip
Students will learn how to manipulate each of the wireless libraries, functions, and protocols to meet the requirements of a wireless network. we will cover not only simple wireless over the “air” , Students will also acquire the knowledge needed to use wireless Wifi chips and Ethernet to pass data to the web with, and without, a computer.