Try FastAPI Test Driven Development 2024 | Udemy

Try FastAPI Test Driven Development 2024 | Udemy [Update 03/2024]
English | Size: 7.2 GB
Genre: eLearning

Towards Building Secure and Scalable APIs with FastAPI and Test-Driven Development

What you’ll learn
Install and configure FastAPI, Docker, and essential Python libraries.
Establish project structure and best practices for managing dependencies.
Implement linting and formatting tools for clean and maintainable code.
Grasp the power of Docker for containerization and simplified database deployment.
Learn to configure and manage PostgreSQL databases.
Leverage Python-dotenv for secure environment variable handling.
Work with SQLAlchemy for efficient database interactions.
Implement Alembic for streamlined database migrations.
Understand the test database workflow for effective testing.
Install and configure Pytest, the industry-standard testing framework.
Automate database creation and removal for streamlined testing.
Employ Pytest marks for efficient test discovery and organization.
Gain a comprehensive understanding of Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) for data modeling.
Implement unit tests to validate table existence, columns, constraints, and relationships.
Explore FastAPI error logging for comprehensive debugging.
Master Pydantic schemas for data validation and serialization/deserialization.
Develop comprehensive unit tests for various functionalities of your API endpoints.
Cover creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting data with unit tests.
Learn to handle exceptions gracefully within your API endpoints.
Delve into integration testing to verify the interaction between your API and the database.
Set up a robust integration testing environment for comprehensive validation.
Develop integration tests for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on your endpoints.
Analyze code coverage to ensure a significant portion of your code is tested.
Explore manual testing techniques for additional validation using FastAPI documentation.

Try FastAPI API Test Driven Development 2024

Towards Building Secure and Scalable APIs with FastAPI and Test-Driven Development

This comprehensive course equips you with the skills to create robust and well-tested APIs using FastAPI, a powerful Python framework. Leveraging the Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach, you’ll gain a solid foundation for building APIs with confidence.

What You’ll Learn:

Set Up Your Development Environment:

Install and configure FastAPI, Docker, and essential Python libraries.

Establish project structure and best practices for managing dependencies.

Implement linting and formatting tools for clean and maintainable code.

Master Database Management:

Grasp the power of Docker for containerization and simplified database deployment.

Learn to configure and manage PostgreSQL databases.

Leverage Python-dotenv for secure environment variable handling.

Work with SQLAlchemy for efficient database interactions.

Implement Alembic for streamlined database migrations.

Test-Driven Development with Pytest:

Understand the test database workflow for effective testing.

Install and configure Pytest, the industry-standard testing framework.

Automate database creation and removal for streamlined testing.

Employ Pytest marks for efficient test discovery and organization.

Database Build and Structural Testing:

Gain a comprehensive understanding of Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) for data modeling.

Write detailed test plans for thorough structural testing of your database schema.

Implement unit tests to validate table existence, columns, constraints, and relationships.

FastAPI Endpoint Development and Unit Testing:

Explore FastAPI error logging for debugging.

Master Pydantic schemas for data validation and serialization/deserialization.

Develop comprehensive unit tests for various functionalities of your API endpoints.

Cover creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting data with unit tests.

Learn to handle exceptions gracefully within your API endpoints.

FastAPI Endpoint Development and Integration Testing:

Delve into integration testing to verify the interaction between your API and the database.

Set up a robust integration testing environment for comprehensive validation.

Develop integration tests for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on your endpoints.

Learn to adapt your testing strategy for future endpoints.

Test Coverage and Manual Testing:

Analyze code coverage to ensure a significant portion of your code is tested.

Explore manual testing techniques for additional validation using FastAPI documentation.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

Build production-ready, well-tested APIs using FastAPI.

Implement TDD principles for writing clean and maintainable code.

Effectively manage databases and data interactions within your API.

Develop a robust testing strategy for ensuring API functionality and reliability.

This course is ideal for developers with some Python experience who want to build modern, scalable APIs. Join us and unlock the power of FastAPI and Test-Driven Development!

Who this course is for:
This course is ideal for developers with some Python experience who want to build modern, scalable APIs.



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