Academind Pro – Docker & Kubernetes The Practical Guide

Academind Pro – Docker & Kubernetes The Practical Guide
English | Size: 4.78 GB
Category: Tutorial

Explore Docker, Docker Compose, development settings, deployment, and everything about Kubernetes from scratch!
Docker and Kubernetes are some of the hottest topics you can learn these days.

Cryptonary – Cryptocurrency Course

Cryptonary – Cryptocurrency Course
English | Size: 1.77 GB
Category: Tutorial

Learn everything you need to about Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain from our very own Crypto School. This section covers all the topics you need to get started. To acquire, send, receive, store, understand and exchange cryptocurrencies. To understand what blockchain is, how a ledger works and how information is recorded so it’s always dencentralised. Get started with your learning below.

Duckademy – Mastering SQL injection

Duckademy – Mastering SQL injection
English | Size: 2.65 GB
Category: Tutorial

Though SQL injection is not a new hacking technique, it still remains an alarming threat to a great proportion of web applications, so every good ethical hackers should know it in depth.