Thinking In Chess – A How To Guide by GM Vladimir Kramnik
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A Chessable Course Like No Other
In his debut course, Vladimir Kramnik is presenting a chess course unlike any other on Chessable. You won’t learn the latest opening theory or endgame technique here, or learn how to execute a sharp, tactical mating attack.
You’ll learn how to come up with the most difficult moves in chess: “the quiet moves.”
In this course, GM Kramnik covers the finer points of strategic play and grandmaster decision-making processes. Throughout 10 chapters and 162 trainable variations, you’ll apply GM Kramnik’s Three Questions Method to solve complex middlegame positions.
There won’t be any forcing tactical sequences or immediate threats for you to find. Instead, GM Kramnik will challenge you to devise and execute a plan or prevent your opponent’s plan (and in many cases, simultaneously!). Many of these “quiet moves”, as he calls them, are extremely subtle prophylactic ideas or meticulous positional improvements, but are the key to winning the game.
GM Kramnik demonstrates the techniques through the games of top players – including many games of his own. He’ll walk you through the positions, explaining how to spot the most pertinent features of the board so you can find the winning idea. You’ll also go through plenty of ‘what if’ scenarios so you can be sure your logic is bulletproof.
At first, the problems will prove very challenging, but as GM Kramnik explains, you’ll learn to spot the winning ideas naturally by turning the conscious thought processes he shows you into second-nature habits. After developing this disciplined approach, you’ll learn how to spot the need to play these moves in your very own games.
In this course, you’ll learn some of the most important strategic ideas in chess, including:
♞ Prophylactic thinking to prevent counterplay from your opponent
♞ How to detect inconspicuous moves before your opponent plays them
♞ How to lead a protracted battle for a single strategic goal over a long series of moves
♞ How to play equal positions and “do nothing” in positions that require it
Elevate your strategic thinking to world class with Vladimir Kramnik’s Thinking in Chess: A How to Guide