TDD in C# From A to Z | Udemy

TDD in C# From A to Z | Udemy
English | Size: 3.88 GB
Genre: eLearning

What you’ll learn
Practice TDD in your daily job
Practice katas to improve TDD and understanding of the programming fundamentals
Write acceptance tests with SpecFlow in Gherkin
Develop software in a “true” agile, iterative process
Apply best practices of unit testing and TDD

Today unit testing is the absolutely required skill which is required from any professional developer. Companies expect from developers to know how to write unit tests including all the most important topics such as mocking and test driven development (TDD in short).

This course is all about practicing TDD using C# programming language and NUnit as a unit testing framework. Along the way, we will learn the concepts related to unit testing. This course does not cover all the features of NUnit. This course is way more interesting.

Learning unit testing and TDD puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Being familiar with unit testing and TDD you can write reliable and maintainable applications. It is very hard to lead a project which is not covered by unit tests.

Content and Overview

This course is primarily aimed at developers who’re already familiar with the basics of unit testing and dependency injection. Some experience in C# programming is required. The course provides solid theoretical base reinforced by tons of practical material.

We start with basics of test-driven development. Why we need TDD? What is TDD? When TDD fails, three laws of TDD, different types of tests, tooling and other fundamental topics. This section is mostly theoretical.

Theory is dead without practice, so starting from the second section, you’ll see tons of programming sessions where I’ll demonstrate how to implement generating of Fibonacci numbers, FizzBuzz, parsing of roman numerals, updateable spin synchronization primitives, tic-tac-toe or crosses and noughts game and game in sticks. You’ll also learn:

How a regular agile development process looks like

That you need to learn shortcuts to practice TDD more smoothly

Three Main TDD techniques: faking, triangulation and obvious implementation

Which tests to write first

How to start writing a test in a TDD manner

Stack kata

Immutable stack kata

And list kata

What is acceptance testing

About the SpecFlow acceptance testing framework

How to write acceptance tests with SpecFlow in Gherkin language

What are UI tests

What tools for writing UI Tests exist

How to access UI through the TestStack.White framework

Have you heard about katas? No, I’m talking about programming. In the third section, you’ll learn what is a code kata and I’ll demonstrate three code katas:

Growing an application by writing tests first, we’re not only writing unit tests first. So, in the next section, you’ll learn what is acceptance testing and integration testing. You’ll learn:

You’ll need to see how to apply all the material learned by this moment. Practice helps very much with understanding especially when we uncover highly practical topics such as TDD. That’s why I decided to show you how all the things work in practice altogether. So, in the next section, you’ll see a real enterprise approach for working on a software project in action.

I’ll build a bridge to UI through TestStack.White applying the Page Object design pattern

I’ll write acceptance tests using the bridge built for accessing UI

I’ll implement ViewModels and all the corresponding business-logic

What is TDD in the end? Is it possible to live without it?

The relationships between TDD and Agile development process

Should we design architecture upfront or not?

Do unit tests guarantee the success?

Quality of tests, some criterions

How to express data for writing unit tests

Shouldly for writing more readable assertions

Singletons, Static classes and testability, Builder design pattern

And some other important topics

The last two sections are rather philosophical. We will discuss:

What is TDD in the end? Is it possible to live without it?

The relationships between TDD and Agile development process

Should we design architecture upfront or not?

Do unit tests guarantee the success?

Quality of tests, some criterions

How to express data for writing unit tests

Shouldly for writing more readable assertions

Singletons, Static classes and testability, Builder design pattern

and some other important topics

Here is my Teaching Approach –

No fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I respect your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth.

Take this course, and you will be satisfied.

Who this course is for:
Any developer who wants to improve professional programming skills

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