Udemy – Asynchronous Programming with Python – Write, Test, and Debug Robust Asynchronous Code

Udemy – Asynchronous Programming with Python – Write, Test, and Debug Robust Asynchronous Code
English | Size: 235.31 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course, we will look at using asynchronous programming in Python: the options, pitfalls, and best practices. We start with multi-threading, which is particularly useful when there is a lot of waiting, e.g. for HTTP requests or disk access. With multi-threading, you can start many requests in quick succession and then wait for all of them to complete at once. Next, the course will show you how to write your code in a thread-safe manner, and how to use it risk-free. Further, it covers Python’s global interpreter lock, which prevents a lot of serious problems in Python but also stops you from running threads in parallel.

Udemy – Play All Instruments Sing And Write Songs

Udemy – Play All Instruments Sing And Write Songs BOOKWARE-ADSR
English | Size: 2.13 GB
Category: Tutorial

This will be a course about learning by ear and also some reading music and learning how to play all instruments in its easy for-miler we will go further into music and we will also do singing with it you will learn book 1 and 2 playing guitar keyboard singing percussion song writing and more like understand how to play just about any instrument created while singing we use the ear the feeling heart to progress to all grades in instruments and singing and song writing the idea is to have fun and enjoy yourself while learning you can in life choose which instrument(s) or and singing you like to do or like choose song writing if you like too your choice

Lynda – Learning To Write Marketing Copy

Lynda – Learning To Write Marketing Copy Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 479.64 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn how to craft compelling marketing copy to engage with your customers
Copy is the heart and soul of almost every marketing endeavor. Get a great foundation for all your campaigns with this course. Ian Lurie shows how to write copy that tells your story and sells your product or brand. Learn about the different types of copywriting, the benefits of drafting on paper (yes, paper!), observing general rules, writing headlines, selling the page, and rewriting existing copy to optimize it for different outlets and platforms. Ian shows how to manage a copyediting team, a brand voice, and an editorial calendar.