The Great Courses – Great Castles of Europe – Victoria L. McAlister – TTC

The Great Courses – Great Castles of Europe – Victoria L. McAlister – TTC
English | Tutorial | Size: 10.56 GB

The castles of Europe are one of the glorious legacies of the Middle Ages. Beautiful and fascinating to explore, great castles dazzle us with their grandeur, and their power to evoke an age of lords and ladies, knights and peasants, battles and sieges. But beyond their architectural majesty and romantic allure, great castles offer something much more.

The Great Courses – God against the Gods – Robert Garland – TTC

The Great Courses – God against the Gods – Robert Garland – TTC
English | Tutorial | Size: 5.79 GB

Religion is foundational to what it means to be human. Our quest for meaning is as ancient as our very existence, stretching back to a time when Neanderthal burials and Paleolithic figurines suggest our ancestors recognized a power that transcended visible reality.

The Great Courses – The Evolution of American Federalism – Joseph L. Hoffmann – TTC

The Great Courses – The Evolution of American Federalism – Joseph L. Hoffmann – TTC
English | Tutorial | Size: 10.4 GB

In a documentary about the American Civil War, the historian Shelby Foote said that, as Americans, “our true genius is for compromise.” From 13 newly independent states ratifying a national constitution to the heated debates in the halls of Congress today, American politics is about negotiation over what our country is-and where we are going.