Pluralsight – Specialized Testing – Command Injection

Pluralsight – Specialized Testing – Command Injection
English | Tutorial | Size: 144.91 MB

Poor web application security hygiene can lead to total network compromise. This course will teach you to identify the vectors and techniques threat actors use to gain access to networks and systems using command injection.

Pluralsight – Specialized Attacks – Hardware Product Testing

Pluralsight – Specialized Attacks – Hardware Product Testing
English | Tutorial | Size: 158.81 MB

This course will teach you to access firmware, analyze it and then reverse engineer it to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the device.

Pluralsight – Specialized Testing – SQL Injection

Pluralsight – Specialized Testing – SQL Injection
English | Tutorial | Size: 102.96 MB

This course will teach you how to test for SQL injection, one of the most common security issues in desktop and web applications alike.

Pluralsight – Specialized Testing – XSS

Pluralsight – Specialized Testing – XSS
English | Tutorial | Size: 116.31 MB

Since the late 1990s, cross-site scripting (XSS) has been one of the most common security issues in web applications. This course will teach you how to test a site for this kind of vulnerability.