Secure Email Virtual Gateway 14.0.0 GD

Secure Email Virtual Gateway 14.0.0 GD
English | Size: 21.86 GB
Category: Tutorial

Over the past 20 years, email has evolved from a tool used primarily by technical and research professionals to become the backbone of corporate communications.

Manning – Intro to Secure Application Deployment With Istio on Kubernetes

Manning – Intro to Secure Application Deployment With Istio on Kubernetes-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 3.53 GB
Category: Tutorial

Neeraj Poddar, creator of the “Secure Application Deployment with Istio on Kubernetes” liveproject gives an overview of the project, it’s intended audience and the key takeaways for users.

PluralSight – Introduction To Secure Workspace Access

PluralSight – Introduction To Secure Workspace Access Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 157.23 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course focuses on the fundamental technical skills required to successfully plan and build a Citrix Secure Workspace deployment