School of Motion – The curious craft of demo reel titles

School of Motion – The curious craft of demo reel titles
English | Tutorial | Size: 3.35 GB

Demo Reels – they can become the toughest assignment you will face as a working artist, and you’ll face it several times over the arc of your career.

Motion Design School – 3D Motion Beast

Motion Design School – 3D Motion Beast
English | Tutorial | Size: 11.5GB

Get ready for a mind-blowing course that takes you on an exhilarating journey into 3D modern motion design and art.

School of Motion – A Motion Design Masterpiece

School of Motion – A Motion Design Masterpiece
English | Tutorial | Size: 16.6 GB

The amazing team at Ordinary Folk and an open brief from School of Motion? What more could you ask for? In all seriousness, this project is something special.

TGC – Medical School for Everyone – Emergency Medicine

TGC – Medical School for Everyone – Emergency Medicine
English | Tutorial | Size: 7.34 GB

Welcome to a typical day on the job for doctors in emergency departments: the most intense department in any hospital, and home to the kind of split-second decision making, high-stress troubleshooting, and rapid medical detective work that can make the difference between a patient’s life and death.