Skillshare – TCP Sockets in C Sharp

Skillshare – TCP Sockets in C Sharp-QUiD
English | Size: 480.29 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this class you will learn how to implement TCP sockets in C#. The class is very practical as it will only involve two examples of client-server setup using C#

O’reilly – System Design Fundamentals

Oreilly System Design Fundamentals-QUiD
English | Size: 5.53 GB
Category: Tutorial

In this dense LiveLessons video Juval L wy explains his approach to system analysis and design, using volatility to decompose a system into its comprising services. Juval contrasts it with the most common mistake done in architecture using functionality to identify services

Skillshare – Dart Programming Language

Skillshare – Dart Programming Language-QUiD
English | Size: 1.40 GB
Category: Tutorial

Dart is a client-optimized programming language for apps on multiple platforms. It is developed by Google and is used to build mobile, desktop, server, and web applications. Dart is an object-oriented, class-based, garbage-collected language with C-style syntax. Dart can compile to either native code or JavaScript

Linkedin Learning – Spring Spring Integration

Linkedin Learning – Spring Spring Integration-QUiD
English | Size: 292.12 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course, instructor Kathy Flint shows how Spring Integration fits into the overall Spring framework. Kathy covers realistic use cases that warrant the use of Spring Integration, such as APIs, reactive websites, and database-integrated systems.

Skillshare – NPM Packages and Monorepos-QUiD

Skillshare – NPM Packages and Monorepos-QUiD
English | Size: 2.53 GB
Category: Tutorial

In this course, we are going to deep dive in how to implement a NPM package with best practices. Sounds boring? Well, we are going to learn: