Linkedin Learning – Python Design Patterns

Linkedin Learning – Python Design Patterns-XQZT
English | Size: 307.49 MB
Category: Tutorial

Explore 15 essential design patterns that will help you solve common coding challenges in Python

Packt – Practical Python Programming for IoT: Build advanced IoT projects using a Raspberry Pi 4, MQTT, RESTful APIs, WebSockets, and Python 3 2020

Packt – Practical Python Programming For Iot Build Advanced Iot Projects Using A Raspberry Pi 4 Mqtt Restful Apis Websockets And Python 3 2020 Retail EPUB eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 26.14 MB
Category: Tutorial

Leverage Python and Raspberry Pi to create complex IoT applications capable of creating and detecting movement and measuring distance, light, and a host of other environmental conditions

Manning – Automatic Differentiation in Python and Pytorch

Manning – Automatic Differentiation in Python and Pytorch-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 5.46 GB
Category: Tutorial

Deep dive into understanding automatic differentiation used by PyTorch autograd for deep learning with the help of Carl Osipov,

Packt – Mastering Reinforcement Learning With Python: Build Next Generation Self Learning Models Using Reinforcement Learning Techniques And Best Practices 2020

Packt – Mastering Reinforcement Learning With Python Build Next Generation Self Learning Models Using Reinforcement Learning Techniques And Best Practices 2020 Retail EPUB eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 10.71 MB
Category: Tutorial

This book focuses on expert-level explanations and implementations of scalable reinforcement learning algorithms and approaches.