PluralSight – Python Design Patterns Playbook

PluralSight – Python Design Patterns Playbook Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 479.42 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course will teach you how to use proven object-oriented design patterns to significantly enhance the stability testability, and maintainability of your Python development while decreasing your development time

Pragmatic Ai – Python CI/CD for the Command-Line

Pragmatic Ai – Python CI/CD for the Command-Line-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 370.10 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn to setup CI/CD with Github Actions for a Python Click Project Topics include: * Click * CI/CD * Github Actions * Matrix Tests in Github Actions

PacktPub – Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp with React and Python

PacktPub – Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp with React and Python [Video]
English | Size: 15.82 GB
Category: Tutorial

This is a practical React and Python Flask full-stack web development Bootcamp where you will start with building real applications from the first lecture.