Udemy – Build a Stack Overflow Clone with React and Laravel 11

Udemy – Build a Stack Overflow Clone with React and Laravel 11
English | Tutorial | Size: 5.62 GB

Make Your Own Stack Overflow with Easy-to-Follow Steps
Welcome to Build a Stack Overflow Clone with React and Laravel 11 This course is designed for intermediate web developers aspiring to deepen their understanding of React and Laravel by creating a high-performance, scalable Q&A Platform.

Udemy – Mastering Shellcode using Assembly and C Buffer overflow

Udemy – Mastering Shellcode using Assembly and C Buffer overflow
English | Tutorial | Size: 542.48 MB

Are you ready to delve into the exciting world of system hacking and shellcode execution? Welcome to “Mastering System Hacking with Shellcode Execution,” the ultimate course that will take you from a beginner to an advanced level in the realm of ethical hacking and cybersecurity.