Mastering Linux Command Line (with Live Linux Labs) | Udemy

Mastering Linux Command Line (with Live Linux Labs) | Udemy
English | Size: 5.23 GB
Category: Tutororial

Most required skill on the DevOps/Cloud Job Market! Course is geared towards beginners & works as refresher for experts!

Producertech – Complete Guide to Compression in Live

Producertech – Complete Guide to Compression in Live []
English | Size: 394.46 MB
Category: Tutorial

The course starts by giving you a basic understanding of the parameters found on every compressor, including examples of their effects on dynamics and frequency, demonstrating how different settings can alter the sound both positively and negatively. Students learn how to use a compressor both as a precision tool and as a creative device, with specific examples and aural and visual demonstrations, to help get the most out of a mix.