Linkedin Learning – Python For The C Sharp Developer

Linkedin Learning – Python For The C Sharp Developer-QUiD
English | Size: 457.61 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course, Joe Marini helps you translate your knowledge into the Python language. Python and C# share many similarities but are different in important ways. Joe explains the difference between C# and Python comment syntax. Python s conditional statements and loop control statements are somewhat limited compared to C#. Joe walks you through the differences. Functions are a basic part of most programming languages. Joe shows you how several important functions work in Python. Python supports class definitions, single and multiple inheritance, abstract classes, and custom functionality. Joe compares and contrasts these with C# functionality. Joe shows you how to build and work with Python arrays of various data types, how to declare and use dictionaries in Python, and how to use iterators in Python. In conclusion, Joe discusses common operations like strings and exceptions

Linkedin Learning – Adobe XD 2020/12/09

Linkedin Learning – Adobe XD 2020/12/09-QUASAR
English | Size: 1.61 GB
Category: Tutorial

Adobe XD CC is an innovative tool used for UI and UX design and prototyping. In this course, instructor Tom Green provides an overview of the features and functionality in this design and prototyping tool, as well as how it can help you design compelling digital experiences. Tom gives a tour of its capabilities and features and shows the different ways you can share your prototypes. Plus, he covers productivity-boosting features like 3D Transforms and new voice options, explains how to go from concept to interactive prototype, and more

Linkedin Learning – SQL Analysis for Data Developers

Linkedin Learning – SQL Analysis for Data Developers-QUASAR
English | Size: 190.73 MB
Category: Tutorial

If you re looking to get Structured Query Language into your application development, but your story is more prequel than SQL, you need to build a solid foundational knowledge of SQL analysis. In this course, instructor Nikiya Simpson starts with a quick review of SQL basics, then focuses on fundamental SQL queries used in beginning data analysis. Nikiya explains the importance of asking the right questions of your data, as well as how those questions translate into SQL. She also shows how these concepts can be used to derive quick insights from your data to help drive effective decision-making. Nikiya finishes the course by demonstrating how to incorporate queries into tools like Microsoft Power BI to help bring your data to life