Linkedin Learning – Assembly Language

Linkedin Learning – Assembly Language-XQZT
English | Size: 517.81 MB
Category: Programming

In this course, instructor Malcolm Shore offers you a hands-on introduction to programming in both the 32 bit and 64 bit x86 assembler and shows how you can use it to access system functions through the Windows API.

Linkedin Learning – Everyday Statistics with Eddie Davila UPDATE 2021/01/25

Linkedin Learning – Everyday Statistics with Eddie Davila UPDATE 20210125-LiBRO
English | Size: 744.27 MB
Category: IT-Tutorial

Statistics help us make sense of the world around us. These numbers help everyone from political pollsters to fantasy football ficionados make informed calls based on the mountains of data at their disposal.

Linkedin Learning – NuGet-XQZT

Linkedin Learning – NuGet-XQZT
English | Size: 571.97 MB
Category: .NET

This course serves as an introduction to NuGet, the official package manager for .NET

Linkedin Learning – Microsoft Teams Working with External Guests

Linkedin Learning – Microsoft Teams Working with External Guests-AMAZEBALLS
English | Size: 73.89 MB
Category: Management

You can use the communication and collaboration features of Microsoft Teams with anyone, whether or not they’re inside your organization.