Arezu Kaywanfar – Kundalini Stress Release Kriya Yoga Class

Arezu Kaywanfar – Kundalini Stress Release Kriya Yoga Class
English | Size: 581.08 MB
Category: Tutorial

Did you know that each of us have a reserve capacity allowing us to reach our destination, despite the snowstorm at hand? This Kundalini Kriya will aid us in pushing through what Yogi Bhajan referred to as the “snowstorm” you find yourself amidst right now. Our energy can be flowing, we can be eating well, sleeping enough, but if our adrenals fail, it is hard to keep up. We get tired and snappy. Glandular balance, and in particular, strong adrenals and kidneys are important to have that extra edge, to control anger and hypoglycemia. Without strong adrenals and kidneys, the heart can not function well. This class focuses on a combination of asanas mixed with pranayamas and mantra to create heat in the adrenals and burn out any blocked energy there.

iAwake Technologies – Kundalini – The Energy of Awakening

iAwake Technologies – Kundalini – The Energy of Awakening
English | Size: 244.51 MB
Category: Tutorial

This second volume of In, Out & Through arouses the kundalini life force to unite the meditator with cosmic consciousness. The scintillating guidance of meditation guru Anna Wise, merged with iAwake’s beautifully relaxing music and sound technology, lifts the body-mind into the dazzling spiritual light of superconscious awareness, higher perspectives, and self-realization. Kundalini offers a tangible and incredibly powerful experience of the highest reaches in human consciousness.