LinkedIn – Running Kubernetes on AWS (EKS) (2023)

Running Kubernetes on AWS (EKS) (2023)
English | Tutorial | Size: 204.50 MB

Being able to operate Kubernetes clusters on AWS is an increasingly in-demand skill, one that can lead to career advancement.

Ardan Labs – Ultimate Go Web Service with Kubernetes

Ardan Labs – Ultimate Go Web Service with Kubernetes
English | Tutorial | Size: 12.03 GB

From the beginning of the course, you will pair-program with your instructor Bill Kennedy as he walks you through the design philosophies, architectural decisions, and best practices as they apply to engineering a production-ready Go service.

O`Reilly – Automating Kubernetes with GitOps

Oreilly – Automating Kubernetes with GitOps
English | Tutorial | Size: 1.65 GB

Automating Kubernetes with GitOps is designed to teach you the key concepts on how to automate infrastructure using Gitops.