Practical Julia – A Hands-On Introduction for Scientific Minds – No Starch Press (2023)

Practical Julia – A Hands-On Introduction for Scientific Minds – No Starch Press (2023)
English | eBook | Size: 22.15 MB

The Julia programming language is acclaimed in scientific circles for its unparalleled ease, interactivity, and speed. Practical Julia is a comprehensive introduction to the language, making it accessible even if you’re new to programming.

Julia as a Second Language – Manning Publications (2023)

Julia as a Second Language – Manning Publications (2023)
English | eBook | Size: 23.84 MB

Learn the awesome Julia programming language by building fun projects like a rocket launcher, a password keeper, and a battle simulator.

Julia for Data Analysis – Manning Publications (2023)

Julia for Data Analysis – Manning Publications (2023)
English | eBook | Size: 13.40 MB

Master core data analysis skills using Julia. Interesting hands-on projects guide you through time series data, predictive models, popularity ranking, and more.

Manning – Analyzing Lichess Puzzles Database With Julia

Manning – Analyzing Lichess Puzzles Database With Julia-iLLiTERATE
English | Tutorial | Size: 383.76 MB

An analysis of the relationship between the chess puzzle difficulty and popularity, from fetching the data from the web and uncompressing it to building a prediction model and visualization with Julia.