Pragmatic AI – MLOps Maturity Model

Pragmatic AI – MLOps Maturity Model-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 899.05 MB
Category: Tutorial

Get some clarity on MLOps, what it is, and what does it mean to be “doing MLOps” by using a maturity model. A maturity model allows you to accurately determine where in the process of applying MLOps best-practices your team is.

Pragmatic AI – Github Actions vs AWS Code Build for CI

Pragmatic AI – Github Actions vs AWS Code Build for CI-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 435.59 MB
Category: Tutorial

Compare CI/CD with Github Actions vs AWS Code Build * Click * CI/CD * Github Actions * AWS Code Build * Build Badges

Pragmatic Ai – Python CI/CD for the Command-Line

Pragmatic Ai – Python CI/CD for the Command-Line-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 370.10 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn to setup CI/CD with Github Actions for a Python Click Project Topics include: * Click * CI/CD * Github Actions * Matrix Tests in Github Actions