Manning – Exploring Modern Fortran Basics

Manning – Exploring Modern Fortran Basics-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 4.32 GB
Category: Tụtorial

Fortran has come a long way since IBM first developed it in 1956.

PluralSight – Exploring Java Machine Learning Environments

PluralSight – Exploring Java Machine Learning Environments Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 316.25 MB
Category: TUtorial

There are an increasing number of tools for Machine Learning in Java. This course will teach you how to choose the appropriate tool for your machine learning task, as well as how to get started with the tool and how to use it

Ashleigh Sergeant – Shapeshift ; Exploring Movement & Emotions

Ashleigh Sergeant – Shapeshift ; Exploring Movement & Emotions
English | Size: 4.22 GB
Category: Tutorial

The shapes and patterns that we unconsciously hold within the body can affect our energy, emotions, and mental patterns. As the ancient yogis discovered and modern science continues to confirm, our body is a physical reflection of our mind. When we change our mind, we change our body. When we change our body, we change our mind.