PluralSight – Introduction to Amazon Elastic Transcoder

PluralSight – Introduction to Amazon Elastic Transcoder Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 22.58 MB
Category: Tutorial

Amazon Elastic Transcoder is a service that helps you with media transcoding in the cloud. In this course, you will be introduced to this service, its benefits, how it works, and some best practices when using Amazon Elastic Transcoder. We will also highlight a few use cases of the service, and provide a quick demonstration so you can see the service in action

PluralSight – Introduction to Amazon Elastic Load Balancer Application

PluralSight – Introduction to Amazon Elastic Load Balancer Application Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 29.05 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course will cover an introduction to the Application Load Balancer one of three AWS load balancers that distribute incoming application traffic across multiple targets Throughout this course, you will learn how the Application Load Balancer differs from the Classic Load Balancer, and better understand the features that help define the service The course will also include an overview of some service use cases, as well as a demonstration on how to launch and
configure an Application Load Balancer