Complete Intro to Web Development, v2 Frontend Masters

Complete Intro to Web Development, v2 | Frontend Masters
English | Size: 4.68 GB
Category: Tutorial

More than an introduction, in this course you’ll go from building your first website to having the foundation for becoming a professional web developer with modern skills! By coding along in this course, you’ll get experience writing HTML, the primary language for putting content on a page. CSS, a language designed to make your websites look tidy and aesthetically pleasing. And learn how to program, starting with a wonderful language to learn with, JavaScript. After this whirlwind tour of web development, you’ll know how to write code with HTML, CSS & JavaScript. You’ll learn to use your terminal to save your code with Git and as a small bonus primer, you’ll get a taste of how to use JavaScript via Node.js to serve your website from a server!

Python Gui – Software development in Python | Udemy

Python Gui – Software development in Python | Udemy
English | Size: 2.69 GB
Category: Tutorial

What you’ll learn
Write Beautiful and Trendy Apps in Python 3
Learn how to use Signals and Slots in Qml 3
Learn how responsivenes is achieved using native threading in Python
Learn how to Write applications in the recommended UI/UX language Qml
Learn how to Build GUI applications in the .exe, .dmg or .sh format.
Learn whats modern in Qt development other done QtWidgets