Ivy Press 30-Second Data Science 2020 RETAiL

Ivy Press 30-Second Data Science 2020 RETAiL ePub eBook-LiBRiCiDE
English | Size: 26.09 MB
Category: Tutorial

30-Second Data Science is the quickest way to discover how data is a driving force not just in the big issues, such as climate change and healthcare, but in our daily lives.

O’Reilly – Software Architecture Hour Architecture Meets Data

O’Reilly – Software Architecture Hour Architecture Meets Data-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 1.1GB
Category: Tutorial

This is a Houdini waterfall tutorial, an advanced FLIP course with 10 episodes for over 2.5 hours, which includes terrain creation, FLIP simulation, whitewater source settings and whitewater simulation, materials adjustment, rendering, and compositing.

Packt – Essential Statistics For Non-STEM Data Analysts 2020 RETAiL

Packt – Essential Statistics For Non-STEM Data Analysts 2020 RETAiL ePub eBook-LiBRiCiDE
English | Size: 9.24 MB
Category: Tutorial

Statistics remain the backbone of modern analysis tasks, helping you to interpret the results produced by data science pipelines. This book is a detailed guide covering the math and various statistical methods required for undertaking data science tasks.