Manning Build a Career in Data Science Video Edition

Manning Build a Career in Data Science Video Edition-QUiD
English | Size: 6.30 GB
Category: Tutorial

Full of useful advice, real-case scenarios, and contributions from professionals in the industry Sebasti n Palma Mardones, ArchDaily

Skillshare – Data Science For Beginners

Skillshare – Data Science For Beginners-SkilledHares
English | Size:
Category: Tuorial

Welcome! If you see Data Science as a potential career in your future, this is the perfect course to get started with.

Skillshare – Data Analysis And Statistical Modeling In R-

Skillshare – Data Analysis And Statistical Modeling In R-SkilledHares
English | Size: 2.73 GB
Category: Tutorial

Before applying any data science model its always a good practice to understand the true nature of your data. In this Course we will cover fundamentals and applications of statistical modelling. We will use R Programming Language to run this analysis. We will start with Math, Data Distribution and statistical concepts then by using plots and charts we will interpret our data. We will use statistical modelling to prove our claims and use hypothesis testing to confidently make inferences.