PluralSight – Command and Control with Empire

PluralSight – Command and Control with Empire Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 31.21 MB
Category: Tutorial

Are you looking to use Empire in a red team engagement? In this course, Command and Control with Empire, you ll learn how to utilize Empire for command and control in a red team environment. First, you ll see how to leverage multi-hop proxies for C2. Next, you ll learn to apply file upload capabilities and registry commands to establish remote access. Finally, you ll explore to simulate establishing a C2 over a non-standard port. When you re finished with this
course, you ll have the skills and knowledge to execute ingress tool transfer (T1105), remote access software (T1219), non-standard port (T1571) and multi-hop proxy (T1090.003) using Empire

Cloud Guru – Microsoft Azure Cost Control on Azure

Cloud Guru – Microsoft Azure Cost Control on Azure
English | Size: 718.36 MB
Category: Tutorial

If you have been using Azure for very long at all, then you have likely been asked “why is our bill so much?” Or “we have a fantastic idea for a new application. Can you tell us how much it would cost to host this in Azure?” If you have ever wanted to be able to Answer these questions, then this is the course for you!