Skillshare – TCP Sockets in C Sharp

Skillshare – TCP Sockets in C Sharp-QUiD
English | Size: 480.29 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this class you will learn how to implement TCP sockets in C#. The class is very practical as it will only involve two examples of client-server setup using C#

Lynda – Python For The C Sharp Developer

Lynda – Python For The C Sharp Developer Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 457.41 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course with instructor Joe Marini helps C# developers translate their knowledge into the in-demand Python language Compare basic language constructs, functions, and more

Packt – C Sharp Console and Windows Forms Development With LINQ and ADO.NET

Packt – C Sharp Console and Windows Forms Development With LINQ and ADO.NET-LiBRO
English | Size: 12.75 GB
Category: Tutorial

C#, the most versatile programming language in the .NET framework, allows developers to build Windows, web, and mobile applications. It has strong community support, and more than five million developers prefer C#. This course will teach you how to build a Windows Forms application using C#.

Linkedin Learning – Python For The C Sharp Developer

Linkedin Learning – Python For The C Sharp Developer-QUiD
English | Size: 457.61 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this course, Joe Marini helps you translate your knowledge into the Python language. Python and C# share many similarities but are different in important ways. Joe explains the difference between C# and Python comment syntax. Python s conditional statements and loop control statements are somewhat limited compared to C#. Joe walks you through the differences. Functions are a basic part of most programming languages. Joe shows you how several important functions work in Python. Python supports class definitions, single and multiple inheritance, abstract classes, and custom functionality. Joe compares and contrasts these with C# functionality. Joe shows you how to build and work with Python arrays of various data types, how to declare and use dictionaries in Python, and how to use iterators in Python. In conclusion, Joe discusses common operations like strings and exceptions

PluralSight – C Sharp Design Patterns Memento

PluralSight – C Sharp Design Patterns Memento Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 64.02 MB
Category: Tutorial

Design patterns are like individual tools you can add to your toolkit as a software developer. They don t take long to introduce, but they can take a lot of practice to master. In this course, C# Design Patterns: Memento, you ll learn to apply the Memento pattern in your applications. First, you ll explore the kinds of problems this pattern is meant to solve Next, you ll discover how the Memento problem can solve these problems. Finally, you ll learn how to apply the pattern in real applications using C#. When you re finished with this course, you ll have the skills and knowledge of the memento pattern needed to use it in your applications