The Modern JavaScript Course 2020 Build Amazon Clone Website

The Modern JavaScript Course 2020 Build Amazon Clone Website
English | Size: 2.29 GB
Category: Tutorial

Welcome to my course on building an ecommerce website like Amazon. In this course, you will learn the basic tools and skills for designing, developing and deploying a full-featured website like Amazon using Vanilla JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 in the front-end and Node and MongoDB in the back-end.

Packt – Elementor Build Amazing WordPress Pages With Elementor

Packt – Elementor Build Amazing WordPress Pages With Elementor-iLLiTERATE
English | Size: 1.37 GB
Category: Tutorial

This course teaches you how to use Elementor, one of the most popular plugins for building pages in WordPress, with over a million downloads already. It is fast and comes with a wide variety of widgets and elements that help you to build web pages effortlessly without using any code.