PluralSight – UNIX and UNIX Systems The Big Picture

PluralSight – UNIX and UNIX Systems The Big Picture Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 74.30 MB
Category: Tutorial

Sometimes custom hardware projects require custom software. And derivatives of the UNIX OS – including Linux – are often the best place to start your search. If you’re working on something that’s going to need a bit of an out-of-the-box software stack, then *nix is what you’re after. In this course, UNIX and UNIX Systems: The Big Picture, you’ll get all the UNIX and Linux background you’ll need to inform your choices. First, you’ll learn about the stormy – but incredibly productive – history of UNIX. Next, you’ll discover what exactly it is that defines a UNIX system Finally, you’ll be introduced at a high level to compiling your own custom versions of the Linux kernel and building your own Linux distribution. When you re finished with this course, you ll have the knowledge you need of the way UNIX works to better understand what you can do with *nix systems and what they can do for you

PluralSight – Implementing Data Visualizations

PluralSight – Implementing Data Visualizations Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 210.96 MB
Category: Tutorial

In today s data-driven world, building a chart is extremely easy as there are a large number of tools at your disposal that require minimal technical knowledge. While this is an amazing opportunity, you need to make sure you convey the right message while not misleading the audience. In this course Implementing Data Visualizations, you ll learn how to efficiently encode data to redirect audience s attention towards things that matter. First, you ll explore all data types you may encounter. Next, you ll discover how to create the right chart based on your data and context. Finally you ll learn how to combine visualization with text and how to color grade in order to highlight insights. When you re finished with this course, you ll have the data visualization skills and knowledge needed for communicating information in the clearest and most efficient way

PluralSight – Career Management 2.0

PluralSight – Career Management 2.0 Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 173.81 MB
Category: Tutorial

Release Notes: Old methods of job search and job security are simply outdated In this course, Career Management 2.0, you ll learn foundational knowledge to have a fulfilling and rewarding career. First, you ll explore the new way to manage careers starting with personal branding. Then, you ll discover networking principles to help you expand your network with the right people. Finally, you ll learn about tools and tactics to implement career management practices. When you re finished with this course, you ll have the skills and knowledge to really manage your career to minimize time unemployed, or underemployed

PluralSight – Metasploit Getting Started

PluralSight – Metasploit Getting Started Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 201.05 MB
Category: Tutorial

The Metasploit Framework is a very capable exploitation toolkit It is not an easy tool to quickly understand and utilize effectively. In this course, Metasploit: Getting Started you ll learn to use the Metasploit Framework to configure and launch exploits with payloads to compromise vulnerable target systems in a red team and penetration testing context. First you ll explore the Metasploit Framework architecture, which is key to understanding the framework s capabilities and inner workings. Next, you ll discover how to configure the Metasploit Framework for launching an attack. Finally, you ll learn how to use the Metasploit Framework s tools for post-exploitation activities once a system has been compromised. When you re finished with this course, you ll have the skills and knowledge of configuring and launching penetration tests needed to effectively use the Metasploit Framework

Udemy – WordPress For Entrepreneurs

Udemy – WordPress For Entrepreneurs BOOKWARE-SOFTiMAGE
English | Size: 640.02 MB
Category: Tutorial

Introduction to WordPress for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
What you’ll learn
Learn all the steps to build a starter WordPress website on a budget! From Domains, web hosting to themes and plugins.
From making the basic pages, contact forms and menus. All included.