Linkedin Learning – Gradle for Java Based Applications and Libraries

Linkedin Learning – Gradle for Java Based Applications and Libraries-LiBRO
English | Size: 141.10 MB
Category: Tutorial

Gradle makes building and testing Java programs easy with its compelling feature set This course teaches the typical tasks needed to work with a Java project, including compiling code, adding dependencies, running tests, and building a JAR file.

Ali Abdaal – How To Study For Exams – Evidence Based Masterclass

Ali Abdaal – How To Study For Exams – Evidence Based Masterclass
English | Size: 4.02 GB
Category: Tutorial

Being able to study efficiently and effectively is a superpower. As students, it boost our grades, reduces our stress levels and frees up our time to do more interesting things. But we’re never taught how to do it. Most of us rely on ‘intuitive’ techniques like rereading, note-taking, summarizing and highlighting to get through our exams. But as the evidence shows, these intuitive techniques are often counter-productive.

PluralSight – Creating Interactivity with JavaScript Based Bootstrap Components

PluralSight – Creating Interactivity with JavaScript Based Bootstrap Components Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 549.06 MB
Category: Tutorial

Static Bootstrap components are fantastic, but they do not engage the end-user. What if you needed to engage your user by customizing or extending components? In this course, Creating Interactivity with JavaScript Based Bootstrap Components you ll learn to create and extend JavaScript enabled components using various options, methods, and events. First you ll explore how to show additional content when a learner clicks on a button. Next, you ll discover how to message and alert the user through popovers, toasts, and more.