PluralSight – Microservices Architecture Executive Briefing

PluralSight – Microservices Architecture Executive Briefing Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 121.32 MB
Category: Tutorial

Microservices architecture can be a difficult concept to grasp
In this course, Microservices Architecture: Executive Briefing, you ll learn about the benefits of a microservices architecture. First, you ll explore some of the benefits microservices can bring compared to more traditional architectures. Next, you ll learn about how to overcome some of the key challenges you ll encounter in a microservices architecture. Finally, you ll discover how to effectively lead a microservices project. When you re finished with this course, you ll have the skills and knowledge of Microservices Architecture needed to decide whether microservices are a good fit for your application

Skillshare – Unreal Engine for Architecture – Class #1

Skillshare – Unreal Engine for Architecture – Class #1
English | Size: 1.1GB
Category: Tutorial

Hello and welcome to this my first Unreal Engine class!
Today We will build an interior and visualize it using Unreal Engine 4.

In class #1 I will walk you through my process in creating photoreal interiors in Unreal Engine.

Frontendmasters – React.js ( Flux Architecture )

Frontendmasters – React.js ( Flux Architecture )
English | Size: 1.87 GB
Category: TUtorial

React is a JavaScript library to create user interfaces created by Facebook and Instagram. React.js creates its own virtual DOM where your components actually live. This virtual approach to DOM gives tremendous flexibility and amazing performance achievements, as React.js calculates what changes should be made in DOM in advance and updates the DOM tree. Discover the JSX (and the ES6 features that come with it) by creating React custom components, integrate React with the components of the J’uery UI/Bootstrap.