Savage Seller – Amazon Product Research

Savage Seller – Amazon Product Research
English | Size: 10.08 GB
Category: Tutorial

Savage Product Research
Don’t just compete, Dominate!
Don’t just compete, Dominate!

PluralSight – Amazon Redshift-best Practices

PluralSight – Amazon Redshift-best Practices Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 536.72 MB
Category: Tutorial

Organizations want to develop a data warehouse solution that can meet the needs of the massive amount of data. This course will teach you how to make the most of AWS Redshift for the storage and retrieval of vast amounts of data

PluralSight – Introduction to Amazon Inspector

PluralSight – Introduction to Amazon Inspector Bookware-KNiSO
English | Size: 22.74 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course describes how Amazon Inspector is used to analyze AWS resources and help identify potential security issues. It includes an overview of how to configure the service and the steps needed to get started. A demonstration is also included with details on how to initially configure Amazon Inspector