Pragmatic AI Solutions AWS Elastic Beanstalk Continuuous Delivery With Flask Video Course

Pragmatic AI Solutions AWS Elastic Beanstalk Continuuous Delivery With Flask Video Course-QUiD
English | Size: 605.89 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn to use AWS Elastic Beanstalk to deploy a Flask application. This tutorial covers Continuous Delivery of a Python Flask application using AWS Code Build. Elastic Beanstalk is a PAAS (Platform as a Service) that has powerful tools and integrations. This video course covers building out an development environment in Cloud9 a Makefile system and then finally, a full fledged CI/CD pipeline using Pylint and AWS Code Build of a Flask API Follow along with the Github

Pragmatic AI Solutions Learn Docker Containers in One Hour Video Course

Pragmatic AI Solutions Learn Docker Containers in One Hour Video Course-QUiD
English | Size: 679.48 MB
Category: Tutorial

Get started with Docker and building powerful containers in this one-hour video. From the basics of containers and its differences with virtual machines, to interactive commands and containerization of applications

Skillshare – Basic AI Character Programming Unreal Engine 4

Skillshare – Basic AI Character Programming Unreal Engine 4-LiBRO
English | Size: 604.72 MB
Category: Tutorial

In this game design course, I’ll be guiding you through the basics on how to create your own “Uncharted” style game. This course will be using Unreal Engine 4 – the same engine AAA game development studios used to make games such as Fortnite, Batman Arkham Knight, Bioshock, and so many others!

Rationality From AI to Zombies

Rationality: From AI to Zombies
English | Size: 1.34 GB
Category: Tutorial

What does it actually mean to be rational? Not Hollywood-style “rational”, where you forsake all human feeling to embrace Cold Hard Logic. Real rationality, of the sort studied by psychologists, social scientists, and mathematicians. The kind of rationality where you make good decisions, even when it’s hard; where you reason well, even in the face of massive uncertainty; where you recognize and make full use of your fuzzy intuitions and emotions, rather than trying to discard them.