Sex Criminals (2013-2020)

Sex Criminals (2013-2020)
English | Size: 2.12 GB
Category: Comic

Big Hard Sex Criminals v01 (2015) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr
Big Hard Sex Criminals v02 – Deluxxxe (2018) (digital-Empire).cbr
Sex Criminals – Sexual Gary Special (2020) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr

Mark Minervini – IBD Webinar December 15 2020

Mark Minervini – IBD Webinar December 15 2020
English | Size: 361.79 MB
Category: Tutorial

Mark Minervini – IBD Webinar December 15 2020.
Includes 1 video and short pdf brief “Sell Stocks Like a Market Wizard”

PhotoshopCAFE – Actions and Automation in Photoshop 2020

PhotoshopCAFE – Actions and Automation in Photoshop 2020
English | Size: 1.8GB
Category: Tutorial

Using Photoshops built in Robots
I have a simple philosophy in Photoshop, if you are doing the same thing over and over, you are doing it wrong. There must be a quicker way. I have observed many people’s workflows and I often cringe. Most people waste too much time, they are spending hours, or even days toiling away for days on tasks that could be easily automated, or performed in a few keystrokes. I too made all those mistakes, and wasted all that time in the past. Slaving away, knowing there must be a better way, but no one showed me.

NBM – Rodin 2020 Retail Comic

NBM – Rodin 2020 Retail Comic eBook-BitBook
English | Size: 35.53 MB
Category: Tutorial

This comics biography of one of the greatest sculptors who ever lived is: brought to life by a collaboration with the Rodin Museum and includes a: preface by its director. It views the artist’s story through the eyes of: the three women who shared his life, for good or for bad. One was his: lifelong on-and-off companion, the other two his muses–one of whom was: Camille Claudel, a well-recognized sculptor herself. Rodin’s work was: revolutionary in conveying exceptional passion, transcending the stone: Here’s how that happened: `:: Looking for suppliers of quality Ebooks in any language!: