Spring Boot with OpenAPI, Cassandra, Kafka, and Maven | Udemy

Spring Boot with OpenAPI, Cassandra, Kafka, and Maven | Udemy
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Genre: eLearning

Mastering Modern Application Development with Industry-Standard Technologies

What you’ll learn
Master Spring Boot Application Development
Proficiency in Using Maven
Implement RESTful Services with OpenAPI
Utilize Cassandra and Kafka for Data Storage and Messaging

Dive into the world of modern application development with our comprehensive course on building a Spring Boot-based application. This course is designed to guide you through the process of creating a robust and scalable application using industry-standard technologies.

Course Objectives:

Understand the fundamentals of Spring Boot and how it streamlines application development.

Learn to configure and utilize Maven as your build system.

Gain proficiency in designing and implementing RESTful services using OpenAPI.

Explore the capabilities of Cassandra for NoSQL-style data storage.

Master the use of Kafka for event publishing and message receiving.

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to the Course

Overview of the course objectives and structure.

Importance of using Spring Boot, OpenAPI, Cassandra, Kafka, and Maven in modern applications.

2. Setting Up Your Development Environment

Detailed instructions for setting up local infrastructure.

Installation and configuration of Docker and Docker Compose.

3. Building the Application Infrastructure

Setting up Docker containers for Cassandra, Kafka, and Zookeeper.

Understanding and configuring the Docker Compose file.

Mapping ports and managing data storage on the local filesystem.

4. Developing with Spring Boot and Maven

Creating a new Spring Boot application.

Configuring Maven for project builds and dependency management.

Understanding the Maven lifecycle and plugin usage.

Managing dependencies and using Maven for consistent builds.

5. Implementing RESTful Services with OpenAPI

Designing API specifications using OpenAPI.

Integrating OpenAPI with Spring Boot for seamless API development.

6. Utilizing Cassandra for Data Storage

Introduction to Cassandra and NoSQL databases.

Configuring and managing Cassandra instances.

Implementing data models and repositories in Cassandra.

7. Event-Driven Architecture with Kafka

Basics of Kafka and its role in event-driven systems.

Setting up Kafka producers and consumers.

Integrating Kafka with Spring Boot for efficient message handling.

8. Bringing It All Together

Running and testing the complete application.

Troubleshooting common issues and best practices for maintenance.

Exploring advanced topics and potential enhancements.

Target Audience:

This course is ideal for software developers, architects, and IT professionals who want to enhance their skills in building modern applications using Spring Boot, OpenAPI, Cassandra, Kafka, and Maven. A basic understanding of Java programming and web development is recommended.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Build and run a Spring Boot application using Maven.

Design and implement RESTful APIs with OpenAPI.

Utilize Cassandra for scalable and efficient data storage.

Implement event-driven architecture using Kafka.

Effectively manage and troubleshoot a multi-component application infrastructure.

Join us and transform your development skills with practical, hands-on experience in building state-of-the-art applications!

Who this course is for:
Software developers, architects, and IT professionals who want to enhance their skills in building modern applications using Spring Boot, OpenAPI, Cassandra, Kafka, and Maven





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