SkillShare – Blazor WebAssembly DotNET Core 5 Development Guide

SkillShare – Blazor WebAssembly DotNET Core 5 Development Guide-SkilledHares
English | Size: 5.72 GB
Category: Tutorial

Learn to build a modern Blazor application while implementing enterprise level concepts, design patterns, and features.


Writing modern web applications with a rich UI can be tedious. Blazor gives us .NET developers the chance to leverage our C# skills and build interactive web UIs. In this course, Modern Web Development with Blazor and .NET 5, you will gain the ability to build web applications using Blazor. We will explore: setting up your first Blazor application; how to work with an API and how data binding works; how to create components and integrate JavaScript components.

When you are finished this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to build a web application using Blazor.

Why Develop With Blazor?

The most popular JavaScript client-side web frameworks have been Angular, React, Vue and others. In this course, we keep it .NET by using Blazor, which is Microsoft’s response to that monopoly.

Blazor allows you to create a Single Page Application, on top of .NET Core and continue coding in C# (without needing to flip between C# and JavaScript too much). Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS. Both client and server code is written in C#, allowing you to share code and libraries.

Blazor WebAssembly

Blazor can run your client-side C# code directly in the browser, using WebAssembly (WASM for short). Because it’s real .NET running on WebAssembly, you can re-use code and libraries from server-side parts of your application.

We will be exploring many intricacies of the Blazor life-cycle, data flow, JavaScript Interoperability and general development activities and nuances.

Deploy To Microsoft Azure Cloud

Azure Web App Service is key to deploying the API and Blazor Server Applications. We will also enlist the use of Azure SQL for Database to support our API.

Build A Strong Foundation in .NET 5 Programming With Blazor:

Build a Single Page Application client side UI using Blazor and .NET 5
Design a Database Using Entity Framework Core
Repository Pattern and Dependency Injection
Progressive Web Application (PWA) with Blazor
Understand the REST API and Client UI design principles
Understand C# and .Net Core Web Syntax
Understand how to customize Blazor app layouts
Understand User Authentication and Authorization in Blazor
Understand Identity Core and Identity Server
Handle Blazor Application User Authentication State
Consume REST Web API in Blazor Application
Manage Packages with NuGet Manager
Setup GitHub for Source Control
Deploy Applications and Database to Microsoft Azure

Title: Blazor WebAssembly DotNET Core 5 Development Guide
Publisher: Skillshare
Category: Technology
Size: 5869M
Files: 11F
Date: 2021-04-21
Course #: 1401000920
Published: Skillshare
Updated: N/A
Author: Trevoir Williams
Duration: 8h 45m

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