Sam Carpenter – Work The System Academy

Sam Carpenter – Work The System Academy
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Category: Tutorial

In the Academy I will go into detail to help you.

Discover the mindset that ALL successful entrepreneurs have, and then I’ll show you how to quickly develop the exact same mindset. You will discover the secret to viewing your business and life from an outside-and-slightly-elevated, system-improvement perspective – this is critical.

Pinpoint and describe specific goals for your business, job, and life. And then define the methods you will use to achieve those goals. This is the process we will use to craft a powerful Strategic Objective. Not just any Strategic Objective, but one that makes you money.

Create your personal collection of General Operating Principles. These Operating Principles are far more than just mere words on paper. I will teach you how to design them to control decision making. Yes, decision making that does NOT require your input.

Define which of your specific systems are in need of improvement, and which should be discarded. Not only will I help you identify which systems need improvement, but I’ll also show you the specific steps you need to take to permanently improve them for maximum results.

Dissect each system into its most fundamental components. For your business or your job, describe each system on paper in a 1-2- 3-step format. You can do all the right things, but if you’re doing them in the wrong order, you might as well not even do them. I’ll show you the quick and simple method for getting each of your systems documented.

Improve the efficiency of the component steps, one system at a time, leaning hard toward stark simplicity. What good are systems if they are so complex that no one can follow them? I will show you how to change sequences and add or delete steps as necessary, so that we make each of your systems perfect.

Document each system into a Working Procedure in order to ensure the continuity of your systems for your business. I’ll reveal how to create Working Procedures that are “off the street” ready. You want perfect systems executing 100% of the time.

Put the new Working Procedures into play and tend to them on a regular basis, inspecting and tweaking as necessary.

Tie your three core documents (Strategic Objective, Operating Principles, & Working Procedures) into one cohesive system that puts your business in a position for rapid scale expansion. You have created your very own “easy button” for business growth!

Here’s how it works.

Once you are an exclusive member of the Work The System Academy, you will gain instant – lifetime – access to the Academy Training Portal. Here you will receive the following:

19 videos – outlining in unprecedented detail – the steps necessary to implement the Work The System Methodology.

A written transcript of each video lesson.

A training guide for each lesson to ensure you get maximum results from each session.

19 “Do It Now” worksheets – one for each lesson. These worksheets will give you quick action exercises to ensure you’re on the right path.

8 – never released – sample documents from which you can model your Core Documents. Only our high-end consulting clients have been given access to these in the past.

Our Powerful Procedure Identification Guide

Unlimited Email Support (for 90 days)

One page Working Procedure Brainstorm sheet to give you a quick jumpstart

WTSA Fast Progress Reference Guide

Business Documentation: Strategic Objective Template and Samples

Business Documentation: Operating Principles Samples

Business Documentation: Working Procedures Samples

Personal Documentation: Personal Strategic Objective Template

Personal Documentation: Personal Working Procedure Brainstorm Sheet

One page Progress Checker to ensure you’re on the right track

We have included every possible tool you’ll need to make this life-altering change in your business. It is best if you start at the beginning and work systematically through the lessons and assignments, but you have free reign inside the member’s area.

Buy Long-term Premium Accounts To Support Me & Max Speed



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