Russell Brunson – Funnel Stacking – 3 Core Funnels

‪Russell Brunson – Funnel Stacking – 3 Core Funnels
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Genre: eLearning

Last year we looked at where all of our income came from, and it turned out that 98% of our income came from just 3 core funnels.  So, instead of trying to show you a million cool things you could do, we wanted to focus on just the MOST essential things.
In this book you’re going to discover what the 3 funnels are, why they work, and how to build them… in detail.
Here’s a few cool things we cover in this book:
  • A simple, straightforward look at the only 3 funnels you need to set up to experience explosive growth in your company… (No flash. No BS. Just the fundamentals you need to go from wherever you’re at right now to where you want to be tomorrow)…
  • The 3 funnels I’ve used to successfully ascend customers through the value ladder to my most valuable offers in every new company I’ve started… and how you can hack these EXACT SAME funnels to create your own online success in any business – GUARANTEED…
  • The almost magical “free plus shipping” tripwire funnel I’ve used for over 10 years to pull in hoards of my ideal prospects with an irresistible, FREE offer… all without losing any money… (In fact, if you set this front-end funnel up right, you can actually turn a nice profit from it!)… pg. 13
  • Most authors make $0 from their books… Find out what we did to generate over $880,000 in revenue by giving away a book for FREE (And how you can do the same thing – even if you don’t have a book to give away)… pg. 24
  • The simple 2-step order form process we used on our tripwire page to get a whopping 14% of people to pull out their credit card and immediately buy the product offered on step 2 of the form… (This is INSANE considering about 98% of people who land on your sales pages never buy!)… pg. 16
  • How to add an “order form bump” to page 2 of your tripwire funnel that will get your new customer to upgrade from your free offer to a low-dollar item that instantly puts more cash back into your pocket… pg. 16
  • Why offering more of the same thing if you’re selling information products will absolutely KILL your conversions… and how to create upsells that convert like crazy by thinking of your customer’s buying behavior as an itch that needs to be scratched… pg. 17
  • The “magic number” of upsells I recommend you include in your funnel to generate maximum value – without ticking off your customers… pg. 20
  • The 5 key components to include on your OTO #2 page to keep the buying loop open and maximize your profits… (We actually used this page structure for the second upsell in our tripwire funnel to generate an additional $130,383 in revenue)… pg. 22
  • How you can get your hands on my PROVEN webinar script that my students have used to go from ZERO to 7 figures in just 1 year… and hundreds of others have used to make more cash in 90 minutes than they used to make all year… pg. 31
  • The “Perfect Webinar Funnel” that you’ll be able to master and automate to generate millions of dollars on autopilot…
  • The #1 ingredient of a high-converting webinar registration page… (HINT: ALL your favorite movie trailers use this to build intrigue and excitement)… p.34
  • Sick of your webinar registrants forgetting your name by the time your webinar rolls around? In this report, I’ll show you how to stay in front of your audience with a powerful indoctrination campaign that will drastically increase your success… pgs. 36-39
  • How to leverage Newton’s first law of motion to keep your webinar registrants moving forward so they are way more likely to buy from you on the webinar… pg. 36
  • How you can liquidate your ad costs and turn your webinar sales into pure profits by adding this one thing to your funnel… pg. 36
  • My secret “stack slide” hack for getting people chomping at the bit for the irresistible, no-brainer offer you make on your webinar… pg. 40
  • How to set up high-ticket funnels that are pure profit by liquidating all lead acquisition costs with your tripwire and webinar funnels…
  • Why most entrepreneurs struggle to sell their first product… and why your FIRST goal as an entrepreneur of any kind should be to generate REAL RESULTS from your product or service – even if that means working for free… pg. 53
  • How to posture yourself as the “Guru on the mountain” and strategically craft a funnel that leads people to the top of the mountain to get to you… pg. 54
  • How to use a Desire Amplifier page to alleviate your future client’s worries and fears and get them to take a leap of faith and apply for your high ticket program… pg. 54
  • The Home and Connection page that breaks down your prospective client’s guard, builds rapport, and encourages an inbound call from your lead that’s typically worth 4.5x as much as an outbound… pg. 59
  • The 2-step phone script we use to quickly and easily close sales for high ticket products… and how you can use it to do the same thing… pg. 59
  • How to harness the power of all 3 funnels in your business and stack them to naturally ascend people up your value ladder… pg. 63

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